First look stills of Ravi Teja's Nippu were released to the media on November 19, 2011. The film is being directed by Gunashekar and produced by YVS Chowdhary. "Shooting of the movie has entered into last phase and simultaneously we are doing post-production work including re-recording," informed producer YVS, stressing that the film would release for Sankranthi.
The filmmakers have already announced that the movie would hit the screens on Jan 13, 2011. " Nippu has entertainment that one expects from Ravi Teja's films coupled with high technical values that one expects from Gunashekar. Brahmanandam's comedy will be highlight in the movie. And Taman has provided us 6 peppy numbers," YVS said.
Nippu has Deeksha Seth as heroine and Rajendra Prasad in a pivotal role.
The filmmakers have already announced that the movie would hit the screens on Jan 13, 2011. " Nippu has entertainment that one expects from Ravi Teja's films coupled with high technical values that one expects from Gunashekar. Brahmanandam's comedy will be highlight in the movie. And Taman has provided us 6 peppy numbers," YVS said.
Nippu has Deeksha Seth as heroine and Rajendra Prasad in a pivotal role.
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