GAYAKUDU MOVIE REVIEW Gayakudu Telugu Mp3 Songs Download

Megastar impressed by young director

 irector Sampath Nandi who made his debut with Evvaraina Eppudaina has bagged a big film in the form of Racha. The film is currently shooting at Annapurna Studios in a specially erected set where the director is canning Vana Vana remix song on Charan and Tamanna. The news is that Mega Star Chiranjeevi has made a surprise visit to the sets of Racha and watched the song shoot.
Reportedy, Chiru has spent quality time in the sets and gave few suggestions to his son Ram Charan. He also appreciated director Sampath Nandi and choreographer for wonderful output. The original version was shot on Chiru and Vijaya Shanti.
Earlier, Ram Charan had remixed Chiranjeevi’s Bangaru Kodi Petta song for his magnum opus Magadheera.


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